Columbia Ideas at Work

Columbia Ideas at Work

Columbia Business School

Columbia Ideas at Work is a bridge between business research and practice, offering key insights from Columbia Business School’s faculty in a format that is easily accessible to busy executives.

Categorias: Finanzas

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On Bloomberg Radio, Professor Nachum Sicherman discusses his research on the “ostrich effect:” the tendency of investors to avoid looking at their portfolios when markets are down.

Episodios anteriores

  • 13 - Nachum Sicherman on the "Ostrich Effect" 
    Thu, 14 Jan 2016
  • 12 - Katherine Phillips — Get Along or Get to Work? 
    Tue, 17 Dec 2013
  • 11 - Eric Johnson: Choosing Health — and Wealth 
    Tue, 29 Oct 2013
  • 10 - Geoffrey Heal: Uncertainty, Risk, and Climate Change 
    Wed, 24 Jul 2013
  • 9 - Oded Netzer: Text Mining Social Media for Consumer Insights 
    Wed, 19 Jun 2013
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