Creation Science Podcast - Ultimate Homeschool Radio Network

Creation Science Podcast - Ultimate Homeschool Radio Network

Felice Gerwitz

What is creation science? As a student in middle school, Felice Gerwitz learned about evolution and it didn’t line up with her mother’s teaching of God and the creation of the world. Years later the Lord provided a lady, who would go on to be her co-author on the Creation Science study guide series and the person instrumental in her education on the topic.  This podcast is a labor of love. It is the years spent in recording and teaching on the so important topic of God’s wonderful creation!

Categorias: Educación

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Creation Matters
Does Creation Matter? Why does the discussion on how God created the world matter? Did God really create the world in six days and rest on the seventh? Does anyone really care? These questions and many more including teaching tips and great resources are presented in the Creation Science Podcast, my name is Felice Gerwitz and it is my pleasure and honor to be your host.

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This podcast was an original work of the Creation Science Expo that I had the pleasure of hosting some years back, it is my pleasure to re-release it to you and share the importance of caring about our origins.
Many times I've discussed the purpose of having a creationist perspective, and people would say, "Why do you care?" The reason I care is that I want my children to grow up with a Christian worldview and share that with their children, someday. In the writing of my Truth Seekers Mystery Series book, I had a "God-incident" that I share in this episode.

In a nutshell, I was rushed during the Christmas season and wanted nothing to do with the rereading of the draft copy of one of the novels. You see, as a novelist, and co-novelist at the (along with my then, college-aged daughter, Christina), I was the one in charge of final proofreading and I kept finding mistakes. I was frustrated. I threw up a heavenward prayer, "God are you sure you have the right person doing this job?" And, I wasn't talking about the job of editing, I was talking about the job of being the "hands and feet" of God - spreading the word about the fallacies of evolutionary claims. Which these novels demonstrate in a fun-easy to read and mystery adventure. More about the here.

Heading to a store to do last minute shopping, I happened upon a calling card placed in a nativity scene I was about to purchase. (The audio includes details about this, but here is the visual -- a copy of the card:

Listen to the podcast for the rest of the story!

Be sure and check out our blog, HomeforLearning where you'll find helpful science posts:

Do I Really Need to Teach Science in My Homeschool?

Teaching Science | Unit Study 

How and What to Teach with Science


and visit our Creatio...

Episodios anteriores

  • 31 - Creation Matters 
    Sat, 16 Mar 2024
  • 30 - What Happened To The Dinosaurs 
    Mon, 26 Feb 2024
  • 29 - Global Flood 
    Thu, 15 Feb 2024
  • 28 - Replay | Creation Matters 
    Tue, 18 Jul 2023 - 0h
  • 27 - Biblical Creation Terminology 
    Thu, 28 Sep 2023 - 0h
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