

Alexis Collado

Hear and learn about the stories of the best Filipino designers — from design founders, product designers, user researchers to UX designers, get to know them wherever they may be.

Categorias: Arte

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Jake Nuñez is an experienced Senior Product Designer at Maya, focusing on enhancing the merchant experience by designing their Business products. He brings over 9 years of diverse work experience in fields such as Digital Marketing, Graphic Design, Art Direction, and User Experience. Additionally, he is dedicated to mentoring aspiring designers and equipping them for the industry through his involvement with ADPList - a global mentoring community committed to democratizing mentorship. In this episode, we talk about taking risks and investing in education, learning UX design during the pandemic, and going from aspiring disc jockey to senior product designer.

Episodios anteriores

  • 96 - 096: The Stoic Designer 
    Sun, 08 Oct 2023
  • 95 - 095: The Curious Innovator 
    Sun, 11 Dec 2022
  • 94 - 094: The Uncomfortably Comfortable 
    Mon, 25 Oct 2021
  • 93 - 093: The Advocate 
    Sat, 23 Oct 2021
  • 92 - 092: The Design Champion 
    Sun, 13 Jun 2021
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