

Peter Kreeft

Peter Kreeft, Ph.D., is a professor of philosophy at Boston College. He is a regular contributor to several Christian publications, is in wide demand as a speaker at conferences, and is the author of over 75 books including: Handbook of Christian Apologetics, Christianity for Modern Pagans, Fundamentals of the Faith. More info is available at peterkreeft.com

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Everyone has gifts inside that we don't often realize. Dave Nevins and Peter Kreeft dialogue on the supernatural charisms. More at: www.davenevins.com See also: Surrendering to Abundance

Episodios anteriores

  • 32 - Charisms: Visions, Tongues, Healing, etc. 
    Fri, 8 Apr 2016 - 0h
  • 31 - 70x7 Reasons to Be Both Catholic and Protestant 
    Fri, 8 Apr 2016 - 0h
  • 30 - A Critique of the Philosophy Behind Star Wars! 
    Fri, 19 Jul 2016 - 0h
  • 29 - Peter Kreeft on the Gift of Tongues 
    Thu, 12 Jul 2012 - 0h
  • 28 - Peter Kreeft on Academics 
    Thu, 12 Jul 2012 - 0h
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